It seems that scientists have found fish in its struggles to adapt desired to fight anything that does harm to humans and threatens the integrity .. Having been used in the fight against global warming, which was the reason behind many of the humanitarian disasters, a role once again to save the lives of thousands through their active participation in repelling any attack targeting human beings
Some American scientists have used the capabilities of fish live in mud in West Africa for the production of light armored and highly resistant to protect humans from any future attacks.
The magazine "Naetcher Matiriz" scientific scientists studied carefully fish "Boulibteros Sinjalos" which covered similar to chlamydia, which had a fish millions of years ago.
These fish and chlamydia, which is 40 centimeters in length contribute to the alleviation of any attack upon those fish Kaled example, prevents teeth discount access to the tissue least hardness, and limit the potential damage that may cause the region located near the point of collision.
Mayors and engineers from Ma_i_osets Institute of Technology, with funding from the U.S. Pentagon, the analysis of chlamydia were taken from fish alive, and had placed these shields small, consisting of four different layers of bites and attacks.
The researchers pointed out that the function of each layer of these layers and the way they interact with one explain the great resistance to these chlamydia, which said that practical applications are promising.
She said Christine Ortiz Ma_i_osets Professor at the Institute of Technology, that these defensive mechanisms enjoyed by those fish can be used in sophisticated systems to protect human beings and to maintain their safety.
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